Mission: North Africa 2024 (Day 7)

Day 7
As we draw near to the end of our trip, I've been reminded of the vast amount of work done by long term workers over the course of decades. I've always heard and said myself that we may never get to see the fruit of the work we do on short term trips, but I've come to understand that statement in a new light these last eight days. Today we with a local that has heard the message and been meeting on and off with our friends here for five years but hasn't responded yet. After the meeting, one of our team members living here said that, on average, it takes seven years for a person born and raised Muslim to respond to the message. And we get to be here for ten days. With that perspective in mind, I've been humbled but grateful to serve and encourage the workers here. They are truly workers of the field - casting out seed, spending years praying for just one to take root, and cultivating each one to go and do likewise. They are but a few lights among millions wandering in darkness, but God is shining His faithfulness through their obedience.


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